TenTenTen 10k and 2.5k Fun Run Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Organising an event requires a considerable amount of forward planning, time, risk and expense. Approximately 9 - 12 months prior to our events taking place, work begins and costs are incurred. These include administrative, insurance, advertising, marketing, equipment, website and staff costs. As an event draws nearer, we continue to incur costs, many in relation to the number of entrants in the event.Whilst we are investing into the cost of staging our events, there is no guarantee of their success, making financial planning an integral part of event management and promotion. For this reason our ‘Terms and Conditions’ are here to ensure we are able to provide athletes with continued safe and enjoyable events.
Conditions of Entry:
By entering a Kandoo event applicants agree to abide by our terms and conditions as listed below.
Competitor Withdrawal: With most events (sports, cinema, theatre, concerts, etc), if after paying for them you have to withdraw, you will not receive a refund, regardless of the reason (injury, pregnancy, holiday, business / work, etc). However, if you do need to withdraw from any Kandoo Events and provided we get enough notice, we are prepared to give you an element of your entry fee back, providing you follow our withdrawals policy: You must notify Kandoo Events in writing by post/email. Refunds will be issued as follows:
Notification Postmarked:
Volunteer for this year's race and have your entry ransferred to next years race
6 weeks or more prior to event = 80 % Refund
4 – 6 weeks prior to event = 50 % Refund
Less than 4 weeks prior to event = No Refund
We will endeavour to process your refund as soon as possible, but we can not guarantee that this will be before the event you are withdrawing from.
Transfer of Entry:
Applicants are permitted not permitted to transfer their entry to either another event, or to another individual on the day. Applicants wishing to transfer their entry to another competitor an do so manually by logging back into their profile and adjusting the details accordingly. No transfers within 21 days of the race.
Race Information:
All information relating to all Kandoo Events will be published on the relevant race page. Any advance changes / alterations to the course or event will also be published on the website as will individual start times. Race information and start times will be provided in race packs and on the relevant web site. It is the responsibility of all competitors to ensure they are aware of all information relating to their event.
Any individual who has won a prize at a Kandoo Events event must either:
Collect the prize at the presentation
Arrange for the prize to be collected
Make arrangements with the Race Director to receive the prize post-race day prior to the presentation.
If the winner of a prize does not do one of the above, then that individual will forego the right to the prize and the prize will not be awarded.
Completion of Entry Form / Online Entry:
If entrants do not complete all sections of the application, Kandoo Events will take the following actions:
Entries missing age / date of birth, will not be eligible for any age group prizes.
Once we have received an application, any subsequent change to individual affiliation status any refund will need to follow the competitor withdrawal guidlines.
The promoters maintain the right to use images and photographs taken by their contracted photographers and employees at the event without informing of or recompense to event participants. These images can be used for promotional purposes as undertaken by the promoters and their partners, which will cover a range of possible uses including advertising, press and media, printed information items, editorial coverage and any other promotion directly related to the promoters or their sponsors.
Right of Refusal of entry: Kandoo Events maintain the right to refuse or revoke entry to any applicant, where they believe that accepting the entry could prejudice the event, sponsors, associates or staff. This right of refusal extends to include applications where acceptance is considered by the promoters to be likely to infringe upon the enjoyment of any persons connected with the event, including staff, marshals, volunteers & other competitors.
Changes: We endeavour to make sure we provide you with an event that you have entered. Circumstances may be such that we are unable to deliver an event in the format that was expected / advertised. Kandoo Events have the right to change any event for the reason of safety without prior notice. In such circumstances competitors will not be eligible for any refunds, whether full or partial, or any other financial recompense.